BBQ SQUAD – Top quality BBQ & Grill dishes for your celebrations!
eMVi Kokteiliai – A fun, creative and professional Mobile Cocktail Bar, providing its customers with the highest level of experience in cocktail production.
Burgerių kontora – Food and good mood feast in your yard – we gather ‘toys’ and come to install a one-day ‘cafe’ in the place of your choice.
Kvadratu LT – Balloons, fireworks, spec. effects, advertising, services for weddings, birthdays, christenings and other celebrations.
Kandeliabrai Event Design – Event and wedding decor, exhibition stand decor, shop windows decoration, interior decor, business gifts, events.
Miss Drama photography – Wedding photography, christening photography, personal photo sessions.
Pieva– It’s a great quality food van with a fun team offering delicious food and a cheerful mood.
Grantus – A successful company that provides advertising, event and holiday decoration services and sells exclusive, unique souvenirs.
Makaliaus Lietuva – Recreation and entertainment in Lithuania: ideas, tips, suggestions! – One of the largest leisure and hotel services e. store in the Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.